The worst ad on telly?
What’s the worst car advert on TV at the moment? For my money it has to be for the Peugeot 208 – where you don’t even know it’s a car commercial for 75% of the time and then...
Read moreIt’s always good to spend time with Peter Cooke, professor at the Buckingham University Centre for Automotive Management. He’s been authoring the BCA Used Car Report (among other things)...
Read moreAfter three years running Web Workshops for members of Auto Retail Network and watching the development of social media use by retailers, we thought it was about time ARN took the plunge too. Yes,...
Read moreRemember the good old days when all you had to do to convince a customer you’d changed their front discs was hand them a plastic bag full of the old parts? No worries about recycling or health...
Read moreThe pre-reg discussion within the industry, triggered by Vertu Motors’ stock exchange statement, continues this week with another tip-off. It seems pre-registered or nearly-new BMWs are like...
Read moreVertu Motors’ statement to its shareholders about self-registrations certainly put the cat among the pigeons. Within minutes other retail group chief execs had weighed in with their...
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